About Me

 Hi! I’m Jess, a 23 24 year old Aussie girl and health food junkie. My professional dancing career (and my other half) brought me to London where I have been living for the past couple of years.

As a dancer, I’ve always been interested in health and fitness and learnt a lot about myself and my own eating habits growing up in the dancing world. I gave up sugar nearly a year ago and it has been the happiest decision I’ve ever made.

Once I cut out the white stuff I felt like something amazing happened, my taste buds woke up! It’s crazy how desensitized our taste can be when we eat sugar laden foods.
I now focus on eating an abundance of healthy clean wholefoods which nourish and fuel your body. It’s been a fun journey finding alternatives for so many of the “naughty” foods I use to eat and I want to share them with you!

My way of eating may not be for everyone, but I hope I inspire you to make your own healthier choices as I share my journey of discovering delicious and nutritious foods. 


  1. Thanks for sharing! I am always looking for healthier food choises...keep enjoying everything that you do

  2. Jess, this is fantastic! I'm going to share your site with my sister too. She is highly allergic to Gluten (very suddenly) and she is always looking for inspiration...I know she will love this as much as I do! You are looking FANTASTIC! - Yolande & Sorin

    1. Yolande, thank you so much! It is so lovely to hear from you. I hope you enjoy the recipes and that your sister adjusts to a gluten-free lifestyle ok. I hope you're keeping well!


    2. Hi Jess
      I'm the sister ;-) Your site is amazing and I am dying to try out some of your recipes. Going gluten free for me wasn't that hard to do. The bigger challenge for me is to achieve a sugar (sucrose) free diet. But your site is just the kind of encouragement and inspiration I need to persevere and also convince my husband.
      Thanks again

    3. Hi Melanie! Thanks for stopping by :-) I hope you find some recipes you (and your husband!) like on here. It's definitely an interesting challenge giving up sugar but once you get past the first few weeks you realise you're not really bothered by it. Especially when there are tasty alternatives!
